Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

Racal Clansman TUAAM military antenna tuner unit teardown

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Sounds a bit meatier than this thing! 1802 was a popular CPU for milspec stuff. I've not managed to get my hands on one yet.

Slightly less enamored with the construction after spending an hour extracting the caps this afternoon as it was rather difficult as i can't extract the entire inner frame. Two of the caps don't have end stops on them. They do have universal joints which is pretty neat for something literally static at both ends. Motors and gearboxes are very nice.

Going to reverse engineer and bring up the power supply later as it's a rather neat little unit and it seems a shame to chuck it.


--- Quote from: MrSlack on March 18, 2016, 10:41:36 am ---I think it has a dessicant in it. It's not connected to the outside at all. I've wrapped it in tape in case it has anything nasty in it.

--- End quote ---

Yes, a standard desiccator and humidity indicator as used in all Racal military kit. It's non-hazardous.

Edit: If the window is/was still white then you can be pretty sure it hadn't been opened.


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