Friend got in touch with me about this radio. It had been disconnected from power and antenna for about 6 months. When he turned it on he could not hear any stations at all on any bands. He said nothing could have happened to it in storage.
When he was here I injected a -73 dBm signal on 16 MHz and indeed there was no indication of it receiving the signal. The "standard" is -73 dBm = S9 on the signal meter. However, as I turned up the signal to -33 dBm we started to hear it. I said well perhaps the antenna relay is bad and I can replace it.
I asked him if it transmitted OK and he said it used to, but he hadn't tried it. When I tried it into a 40 dB attenuator hooked to my spectrum analyzer, it was OK on CW but no modulation could be observed on AM or SSB when talking into the Mic. The ALC indication was banging hard all the way to the right of the meter indication no matter what.
I said leave it with me and I'll get to it when I can. Well today I found that there are three voltage regulators +5, +8, and +12. The +8 reg. had +12 on it's output. Part ordered and will be replaced, then we'll see if that's all that was wrong.