Wrongly posted at Beginners but bear with me.( Don't know how to move topics ) :'(
Dear All ,
I am an RF enthusiast , I have a siglent RF spectrum analyser with the reflection measurements enabled and an external directional coupler from mini circuits.
I have a SET of VHF cavities , with a high Q factor for 0.6mhz channel spacing.
I have a following conundrum.
If I tune with the best of my abilities the filters with Transmission loss because of the nature of the measurement I am unable to reach the noise floor of the instrument ( even with TG power at max 0db in and normalised the cables between them ) if I use after that fine tunning return loss I am seeing something completely different and wrong ( high SWR on the cut frequency and close to 1.5swr on the pass frequency )
IF I use the return loss measurement to align the cavity filters. everything goes perfect at 1 SWR pass and close to infinity the fall frequency BUT if I do the Transmission loss measurement the graph looks like is no way to be correct.
I've being battling with this question for a long while without having a way to "trust" my instrument , more or less trust my testing OR my procedure or even my self and sanity.
I would like to hear your thoughts and hopefully some RF magician can point out the obvious that I am unable to grasp.
Sorry for the long detail.
Sorry if this was answered int he past.
I will try to get some screenshots from my spectrum analyser to describe the issue in a better manner.
Thank you in advance
For instance this is a different cavity filter :
And Picture 2 ABYSMAL Return Loss