Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

Schematic and PCB Design

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Hello Guys,
I would like to ask a question because i would like to design a pcb and I am confuse on which software to start and which one to use. I am looking for Altium and Cadence Allegro.
From these two design software which the industry standard and most use by electronics manufacturing company?
Thank you for your response highly appreciates.

Kicad is good and used by almost all hobbyists.

Larger companies tend to use Altium though.


There are online drawing tools here, which saves you the trouble of installing AD or other software on your personal computer. The key is that there is a complete package library, and it is linked with the physical electronic components. You can draw the PCB and shop directly in the online store, and even assemble the PCB components directly.
You can choose between the standard version and the professional version

I found Altium ridiculously everly complex and have been designing PCBs for over 30 years.

Pick a program you can actually purchase rather than paying a yearly subscription.

Im not going to recommend anything as there are so many and they all do the job.

Vino, your question is slightly confusing. You mention making a print board, and two expensive software packages…

If you are looking to create layouts to send to board manufacturers, the output is generic Gerber and drilling files. Almost any PCB package can produce them.

As others have mentioned, KiCad is popular and zero cost. While originally a commercial package, I guess most users are hobbyists these days.

If you plan to create a PCB from an existing circuit, KiCad can be tedious as it is based on creating a circuit diagram, a “bill of materials” and finally a board layout. This is how companies work, whereas a hobby user might want go straight to creating a board layout…

I like Sprint Layout from Abacom, which is about 50 euros (inc vat if applicable). There is a circuit drawing program from them too at the same price. Sprint Layout doesn’t need a circuit drawn first, you can go straight to creating a layout.


As for professional packages, I have no idea as I am a hobby user.



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