Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

schottkys instead of germanium diodes for crystal radios?

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schottkys instead of germanium diodes for crystal radios, is it working or a bug I got?


--- Quote from: ali6x944 on February 07, 2016, 06:37:11 pm ---schottkys instead of germanium diodes for crystal radios, is it working or a bug I got?

--- End quote ---
I've tried it a few times and they can work OK but germanium is better.
Schottky: 1n5711 etc.
Germanium: 1n34a, 1n60, etc.

Small signal Germanium diodes are usually point contact so have very low junction capacitance.  If substituting a Schottky diode you'd specifically need a low capacitance one designed for RF use.

Do it properly with a cats whisker ;)

The cheap solution


Avago and others do expensive zero bias schottky diodes that may be better, but probably not worth teh extra cost for most.


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