One cool thing about what appears to be a growing DIY SDR community is the emergence of aftermarket or standardized SDR hosting platforms such as the "Mobo" project. The Mobo appears to have evolved around the 6.x series Softrock rx/tx which was modifiable to make an all band transceiver. Basically, people have now created fairly standardized upgrade paths with this mobo being a good example, its a sort of backplane that can host filters, antenna, BPF Rx filters, LPF Tx filters, PAs, antenna T/R switching and so on. They are controllable via (mostly) AVR based hardware that speaks via i2c and USB/serial IO.
BTW, Softrock Rx does contain four switchable BPFs, so image problems are minimal compared to RTLSDR. OTOH, you're limited to what appears to me to be a bit less than 192 kHz.
But on HF, when you are receiving a great deal more signal which previously would have been down in the noise, seeing 192 kHz all at once seems huge. In practical terms, you almost never "need" to see that much unless you are doing a rapid band survey for EMI, (and in that case its really useful, even more bandwidth is useful)