Well the SI is so cool becuase it will drive 8khz to 200mhz any old frequency, it is square out which is perfect for me all mixers I use do better with square switching. I guess I said DC to 2.6ghz just to say it... DC is not that important lol. I just want a wide band (usp to 2.6ghz) square wave VFO that can be stepped 1khz and also has adjustable drive current. I do realize what I am asking for may not just be in a chip like the si5351... I could look around and figure out how to do mixing of the si5351 with a hi frequency PLL, but maybe there is better ways... I have a few VFOs around for different bands, although these are sin output they give me an idea. Instead of looking at one chip or two chips mixed to give me the frequency I want maybe I I could find square wave synthesizers that act like the 5351 but cover different bands and then use software to stitch them all together making one wide VFO, or does this sound more ridiculous? Im sorry if this sounds tot?lly stupid, I have never given frequency generation a thought past what my micro could do until recently when I started with RF.
Right now the SI will work well for a DC-200mhz VFO, getting to 2.6 ghz would be the ultimate goal and may take a bit more study and smaller steps to get there. What could I do to get to at least 500mhz? It would be nice to get at least a dual band VHF/UHF set up going. Is there some way I could much more easily do this using my si chip, run two VFO's at one 1-200 and 201-500?
If any of you gurus were to make a digital VFO from 50~100mhz up to 2.6ghz that would allow 1khz steps and current control what chips and methods would you most likely start with?
Im going to be using a Pi3 to host my SDRs remotely after I get rtl_tcp running. I know there is a program called PI_TX now which allows CW,WFM,NFM,AM,OOK,PSK and a few others modulation modes to be broadcast very dirty using square waves and it says as long as you filter your transmissions quite a bit then amplify them the pie will work well to transmit up to 700mhz!!! Im stumped and cant wait to play with it, I mean the GPIO pins cant even flip at 700mhz so I have no idea what kind of software majick they may be using to get 700mhz square carriers out of that board!