Another AWR question here.
I need to model a few components to use in AWR - MA46H201 varactor diode (1056 package), and NE3511S02 HJ-FET.
I have managed to get the SPICE model for the varactor diode:

Though, I have no experience in order to implement this into AWR. I am familiar with 'Import Netlist' in AWR, though that requires a S2P file, SPICE/HSPICE file which this model is just from a PDF... This leads me to the HJ-FET.
The S parameter files are available on the manufacturers website. Though, there are several (9 in total) different S2P files for the one device. I understand that each one is for the device under differing operating conditions, though I don't quite understand how to make use of these within AWR... I have the S2P files imported into AWR, though if I am investigating the device's performance and am not sure of what the operating conditions are going to be, how do I know which of these S2P files I need to use? Am I missing something?
Any feedback is appreciated