I picked up an Adafruit Si5351 breakout to do some prototyping. I was hoping to use this as a local oscillator in a receiver project.
I've been able to program it and change frequency outputs, but once the outputs reach the upper end of the frequency range the waveform becomes less and less square and more sinusoidal until about 135 MHz it becomes an unrecognizable mess. Granted, I am using this on a protoboard... but my scope probe is stuck into the nearest pin next to the output with the shortest ground wire possible. I'm waiting on the SMA connectors to come in the mail (I unfortunately ordered those idiotic reverse SMA by accident)
Does anyone have any experience like this? Is this just a poor layout problem with the breakout board? According to the data sheet the output impedance should be 50 ohms, but the traces on the board look awful small to me. I was hoping to be able to connect the output from this directly into a 74HC74 to get a quadrature output.
Here are some screen shots from the scope. Sorry for the small pics I had to resize to get them to post. They show: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 MHz in that order