Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio
Suggestions on identify this THT PCB RF connector
Hi folks! I need help identify this connector used in CATV VHF outdoor devices. I need to modify a power insertor adding monitoring capability, so a new PCB has to be designed.
I had contacted a couple of providers in China, all says that can provide it but in the last step it turns be out a lie. Those product are mass produced, so I think the connector must be available.
The male pin has 5mm diameter and the female connector, installed in the PCB has around 5-6 metal clips that make the contact.
Best regards and thanks in advance.
I haven't seen those before. Have you tried searching for female socket, female receptacle, male pin, etc. rather than "connector". You might toss the pin diameter in too. Try image search? Just ideas... not sure beyond that.
Hi, thanks for your messaege. Yes, I tried all that terms, including image search. Recently, I found a similar connector (https://www.molex.com/en-us/products/connectors/high-power-solutions/sentrality-pin-and-socket) used for high power pin connections but the male pin diameter options are 3.4mm, 6mm and 8mm and the male diameter of the case is 5mm.
On the other hand, I evaluated to reemplace with pogo-pins but the current rating required (5-10A) is beyond their capacity.
Best regards
Try Harwin and Mill-Max as vendors. They might have something similar.
I think that is a bit odd for rf connector
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