Author Topic: Therapy Microwave  (Read 2508 times)

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Offline GojaTopic starter

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Therapy Microwave
« on: February 14, 2017, 03:08:19 pm »

Has anyone experience with a therapeutical microwave?
I have a "BOSCH Radarmed 12s253" with 250W continuous power and the right emitter for that power and also the manual. (It was free btw.)

So far I made it light up a fluoresence tube, but it doesent get warm at all. I tried it with a joghurt cup of water under the emitter.
It would be usefull for me, to kill wood-worms in some antiques.

First I'd like to know if i made some sort of user-error, by placing a cup of water under the emitter.
How warm does this supposed to get?

I will send some photos, when its warmer in my garage. There is an impressive transformer in it, for only 250W output (1600W peak).

See you!


Offline rollatorwieltje

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Re: Therapy Microwave
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2017, 03:34:09 pm »
In a microwave oven the radiation is bounced around in the cavity until it's all absorbed by the food. In your case most of it will probably just go straight through or scatters. 250W also isn't really that much, even if you manage to dump all of it in your cup of water it will still take a long time before it boils. Boiling a glass of water from room temperature takes roughly 31Wh (ignoring losses), so if you can dump all the energy into the glass it would take roughly 8 minutes.

Offline GojaTopic starter

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Re: Therapy Microwave
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2017, 03:51:37 pm »
The longest time I tried, was about 10 Minutes. Also the ambient temperature was around 0 degrees Celsius.
So next time, I will test it with a larger container, to cover the whole area of the emitter.


Offline LaserSteve

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Re: Therapy Microwave
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2017, 04:53:53 pm »

Keep your eyes, and testicles (if male)  away from the emitter.  If it truly is microwave, your corneas and lens are very, very,  sensitive to uWave adsorption.
Cataracts are a known hazard for microwave workers.   Exposure can be cumulative as well.    Unfortunately the only way you can know if you have a safe dose is to measure the field with a calibrated probe or fully shield the emitter. Microwave shielding is a bit of an art form, as well.  From what I'm reading devices like this are primarily used for diathermy for things like breast cancer. 

« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 05:04:46 pm by LaserSteve »
"When in doubt, check the Byte order of the Communications Protocol, By Hand, On an Oscilloscope"

Quote from a co-inventor of the PLC, whom i had the honor of working with recently.

Offline GojaTopic starter

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Re: Therapy Microwave
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2017, 05:09:02 pm »
For shure! That's why I tested it with water and the emitter pointing down.
2.45GHz plusminus 50MHz, that should be in the microwave range.
I was also concerned about my electronic devices, so i tested the microwave in the garage and not upstairs in my livingroom.
... Yeah, maybe also because of the weight. It is about 54,5kg according to the manual. ;)
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 05:14:56 pm by Goja »

Offline LaserSteve

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Re: Therapy Microwave
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2017, 11:57:59 pm »
Being a former medical service engineer, I'd also guess it looks at transmitted and reflected power from the load, and makes a decision about radiating or not. I'm sure the manual would spell that out. I know I if I sold that device in the USA, it would spend more time checking for safety then radiating.

"When in doubt, check the Byte order of the Communications Protocol, By Hand, On an Oscilloscope"

Quote from a co-inventor of the PLC, whom i had the honor of working with recently.

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