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I received this email that I thought might interest other RF junkies:Demo: PNA-X Spurious TestDr. Joel Dunsmore will walk through a 20-minute demo showing optimized spurious testing with the enhanced PNA/PNA-X new DDS source. In this webinar series Dr. Dunsmore will demonstrate: • Close-in carrier spurious • Higher-order mixing products • Spurious vs. LO drive level Join this Keysight webinar to learn how to optimize spurious tests on the PNA/PNA-X.Date: June 16, 2021https://connectlp.keysight.com/SpuriousTest-Americas?elq_cid=1130946&cmpid=ELQ-14600&elqCampaignId=14600&elqTrackId=2FE217D7C4FF72BD38DC574DD1E4E6B9&elq=ba1aa6467a24496da8e3fb5eff8200a8&elqaid=30097&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=14600