Author Topic: email issue with the WINC1500 module  (Read 1954 times)

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email issue with the WINC1500 module
« on: May 10, 2016, 09:07:30 pm »
iam not sure if this post belong to this group or microcontroller so please move it accordingly.
iam using the SAMW25 module that has winc1500 wifi module. I use it to send email and is working for me but if I try to send it again it doesn't. which steps I m missing ?  I tried to initialize everything to send the email but it doesn't work.

after sending the first email the code hangs at system_init()  and if I comment it out , I get bus initialization error on nsm_bsp_init().

basically for the second email I have included everything that the email example comes with in the ASF library .


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