Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

Video: Termination Insensitive Ampifiers

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My first ever YouTube video, covering the basic description and properties of termination insensitive RF amplifiers, of the type used in, for example, N2CQR's DIGI-TIA Transceiver or N6QW's ZIA.

Style is very much cribbed from W2AEW, W6KWF, and others. Hope this is helpful to some, but either way, I had a great time making it.

Very good (for me at any rate). I wish I had your quick presentation style, I'm rubbish when it comes to putting over a concept quickly, my brian has trouble finding the right words and I innevitably end up with lots of umms and ahhs.

Yours seem slightly higher brow than W2AEW's videos, whose are more of an intermediate level.

As a matter of interest, how long did you spend putting that together?

Thanks Howard! It was a lot of fun to put together.

It took me about 5 hours from first sitting down with a a pencil and paper to having it edited together - that includes assembling the common-emitter board, but the actual TIA board itself I had previously made as part of another project.

I've be noodling about this video for a couple weeks, though, just thinking it through in spare moments and on my commute. So I had a decent idea of the scope and flow of the video before I started in earnest.

Very nice smooth presentation.  :-+ Big thumbs up for listing references to the circuits you mention.

Some nitpicks:
At around 11:55 the impedance is partially dependent on the 15 ohm resistor that you have covered up, not the 150 ohm.

I don't think I've actually ever heard the term "Termination Insensitive Amplifier", especially in this context.  Termination insensitive mixer yes, termination insensitive filter yes, amplifier no.  I would probably have expected this to be called "high reverse isolation amplifier".

Very nice.   :-+

Are there any modern IC amplifiers available that exhibit input and output termination insensitive properties?


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