I've seen a few stories that might be relevant. Sometimes people find hardware that contains WWVB receiving capabilities, very very cheaply, it doesnt always work though.
There is a WWVB refclock for NTP and so its possible that you could build a very cheap way of keeping a computer time server in sync that would be separate and distinct from GPS, which IMHO would be useful in terms of redundancy.
With the appropriate antenna, and software, you might be able to receive the 60 KHz WWVB signal perhaps using some PC sound cards - For low frequencies that might work quite well. You could perhaps interface it to NTP using the NTP WWVB refclock- Not important to most people but I know that with HF (3-30 MHz) tiny variations in signal propagation makes received frequencies including WWV jitter - but by very small amounts. I don't know how much lower frequency propagation jitters, it might not jitter as much.