Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

ysgm232508 2.4ghz vco EDIT: now ADF4350 THREAD!

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has anyone played with this part for anything other than a jammer? im interested if it can produce a stable output frequency given the right conditions. the acuracy of the frequency is not so important as i could lock the control voltage to a known source.

heres the datasheet:

i dont have a spectrum analyser, just a nanovna saa2 so i can see output but not really judge it. it seems really noisy.

There is not much information in the data shert but being a rather wideband VCO the phase noise of the part wont be exceptionally good...
However it is looks like a goood part to be used with a PLL IC...

Such a free running VCO is highly unstable. It will wander a few hundreds of kHz and drift more than 1MHz away if temperature drifts a couple of degrees. It’s essentially useless without a PLL for other than a sweeping jammer.

i have just ordered a ADF4350 module instead. this should give me a far better output although coding is going to be even tougher. theres only some amateur libs on github and i dont know how easy they will be to use.
what i am hoping to do is have a dual vfo type arrangement where i can set the frequencies independently with buttons and oled display. a gpio would swap vfo1 frequency and vfo2. this way i can use the same osccillator module to downconvert 740mhz to 29mhz, and upconvert 29mhz to 2.4ghz. this way it can function as an add-on box for usdx to operate qo100 in the field. websdr can be used to callibrate the local oscillators before each session.
the nanovna saa2 uses this kind of oscillator and my tests show it is stable enough. a temperature controlled housing would be used to finish the project.

Generally, all VCOs are quite unstable. They will drift many MHz with temperature, supply voltage, output matching, etc. On it's own, it's not usable for much more then a wideband jammer or perhaps an FMCW radar. (where the same oscillator is used to transmit and receive)

If you want something usable as a transmitter its going to have to be run as a PLL, locked to a stable reference. With some modification, a PLL can also generate very nice modulation, keying and chirps.


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