Just as a possibly different datapoint: I'm not a power user of OneDrive, but still end up using it several times per week.
I like it, it seems fairly seamless when working with desktop and mobile.
On Windows, OneDrive appears like a completely separate folder (enterprise accounts might be set up differently, but by default, for a personal 365 account, there is just the separate folder which is backed up). There is nothing to install on Windows, it's natively part of Windows 11 I guess. There is browser access too, like most cloud storage systems, but I rarely use that.
I'm paying for the Microsoft 365 bundle, and 1TB of OneDrive is included in that. I think the bundle is good value for money even without OneDrive.
I find OneDrive to be a very convenient way to transfer stuff from mobile to desktop and vice-versa. Sure there are other ways, but it does what I want. I also like that I can quickly generate links for people (or public links if desired). On Windows, OneDrive just appears like a normal folder. It does sometimes take a while to sync, I don't know why. Other times it is quick. Anyway, that's a minor irritation.
The Android OneDrive app is good, I've never seen it crash or hang, and it does all I want it to do, i.e. explore files in OneDrive, share them by creating links, and add or remove files. Photos are automatically backed up too from Android, to OneDrive. Also you can collaborate, so if you've got a file open and editing it, then others can see the changes in real-time too. At least, that works with Office 365 (and that collaboration feature works with Android too).
I knowe all the above is possible with other cloud storage services too, I just happen to use Microsoft 365 and am happy with the supplied OneDrive capabilities.