With classical ciphers if one had the plain text and the cipher text together then by comparing them, one could easily deduce the key, a "crib" attack in the case where part of the message was known. This was partly how enigma was cracked, by exploiting phrases that Bletchley park knew would be included within messages, such as one german observation post which sent almost every day a message "nothing to report", alongside using the fact enigma could never encrypt a letter as itself.
In the case of modern symmettric cryptography, does this still apply? If a file, and an encrypted copy of that file made with something like gpg's symmetric encryption (aes256) command, or a folder and an encrypted 7z (again aes256) copy of that folder are together, does calculating the key become possible? If not, why not? Remember, passwords often get reused, despite it being bad practice, perhaps much more often fro encrypting specific files than for login passwords, so if this weakness does exist than anyone who's ever encrypted a not-very-secret file and an attacker somehow sees both the original file and its encrypted copy, could work out the password and then use it to decrypt more private files for which the person may have used the same password as the key.
I'm not attempting to do this, it is well beyond my skill level or needs to actual reverse engineer a password from the "plaintext and ciphertext together" situation, but I would like to understand whether the existence of such a weakness is actually a serious possibility, or if something is done by gpg/7z/the underlying aes algorithm , to make it genuinely, or nearly, impossible.