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Hacking a toothbrush?

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It probably has TLS 1.2 so yeah easy to hack, especially when with IPV6 it will have its own public IP :)

Anyone who would buy an "intelligent" toothbrush is lacking something.  I'll wait until they make iO toilet paper.  Then, I'll worry.

like the BOSCH torque wrench, it will not be long before a ransom is demanded for the act of brushing teeth. ^-^
(know the MCU, it is not difficult to hack it.)

In fact, a electric toothbrush with a motor and nickel battery charging circuit is enough to make teeth smooth.

It is possible only if the toothbrush has a wifi client, you give it the password of your home wifi (or it uses some UPNP process to connect, which involves you pressing a button on your wifi access point / router) and you have a "consumer-grade" router (which is what most people have) which supports the opening of ports in the NAT front end, and the toothbrush actually does that.

I would be very surprised if Braun did the last bit though. But a hacked toothbrush could, and then it could participate in a botnet, as usual... But who would hack the toothbrush? The user could, by downloading a hacked "toothbrush configuration" app.


--- Quote from: peter-h on December 04, 2024, 01:42:05 pm ---It probably has TLS 1.2 so yeah easy to hack, especially when with IPV6 it will have its own public IP :)
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What features does it offer, that it needs internet connectivity? Posting teeth photos? Keeping log of kids brushing their teeth, so a helicopter parent could stay in their couch? I guess my imagination in that case is insufficient. Of course I ask about features that are appealing to the consumer: because from company’s point of view the benefits are clear.

Also, the forum offers attachments. Please use that instead of spreading post content across multiple services. Thanks

--- Quote from: jpanhalt on December 04, 2024, 01:59:02 pm ---Anyone who would buy an "intelligent" toothbrush is lacking something.
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Let people decide for themselves, what they want. Somebody will judge you the same way from their own limited perspective.

The problem is not in what one choses individually. It’s in this being a mass effect, that shifts the entire market, in the end limiting individual freedom of choise. It’s like all people voting witht their wallets for “smart TVs,” making it not almost impossible to buy a normal one. :(

--- Quote from: squadchannel on December 04, 2024, 02:01:05 pm ---like the BOSCH torque wrench, it will not be long before a ransom is demanded for the act of brushing teeth. ^-^
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But look at it from a different perspective. Actors demanding a ransom are doing this illegally and are frowned upon. Companies, who require you to subscribe and effectively only license you devices, are doing the same, but they can do this openly and society thinks it’s normal. :P

--- Quote from: squadchannel on December 04, 2024, 02:01:05 pm ---In fact, a electric toothbrush with a motor and nickel battery charging circuit is enough to make teeth smooth.
--- End quote ---
And so is a plain, non-electric brush.

There never was research electric brush manufacturers have to support their claims. Outside that there is little research on the subject in general, the overall conclusion is there is no notable benefit, and any observed positive effect seems to be not from their operation, but from people somehow chosing to brush teeth longer with electric brushes.


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