Just FYI, level 1000 autism beats being an asshole, every single time.
Quite the opposite, because outcomes are the same either way, but the former at least has a
At any rate, a quick rundown of what happened:
1. Through Bugcrowd, Comcast advertises to pay for exploitable vulnerabilities in some 3rd party software they use.
2. Soatok finds a potentially exploitable bug in that software and reports it to Bugcrowd.
3. After initial hurdles due to lack of a working exploit demo, they forward the matter to Comcast.
4. Due to lack of a working exploit, Comcast can't decide if it's a real problem, asks to reach out to the original author.
5. Instead of seeking private contact with the author, dude files a public bug report on G**Hub

6. Bugcrowd learns about it, claims it's against their ToS and threatens to ban him if the bug report isn't taken down.
7. Full nuclear meltdown nerd rage mode activated:
- OMG it's emotional blackmail, you can't threaten to ban me like that, I'm not giving in to bullying
- tough luck motherfuckers, I'm privileged enough that I don't actually need your stupid account anyway
- for those with less privilege, I'm taking a principled stand - ban me if you dare!
- have you never heard of Streisand effect???!!! Here's an archive of the bug report (did the guy actually create it himself?

Who is the asshole here?