Products > Security

Visual Studio Code for Linux: Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

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This one is too funny. >:D

Visual Studio Code for Linux Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Nominal Animal:

--- Quote ---Attack vector: Network
--- End quote ---

[After investigating for a bit:]

Explanation, patch: Insufficient parameter/file checking in TypeScript code when saving files requiring elevated privileges (stuff done via sudo).

So, just your garden-variety "we'll just pass along these file names you supplied as-is to our copy-file-using-sudo command, she'll be alright, nobody will try any shenanigans I'm sure" type of idiocy.

No input validation and let's throw some sudo on top of it.

I would definitely trust MS code.

Microsoft is backdooring Linux :scared:
Next thing, they will start contributing to systemd and add something similar >:D

Nominal Animal:
You mean like CVE-2021-3560 or CVE-2020-1712 and others?


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