Products > Security
Windows security...
There are thousands of web pages on this subject but be interesting to know what our hopefully more informed EEVbblog members use on their Windows PCs for protection ?
Windows Defender and Firewall, Other Free AVs and Firewalls, or complete security suites from the usual players like Bit Defender, Eset, Kaspersky, Norton etc.
I use Bitdefender:
Light weight and works in the background. Always warns when a site looks suspisious.
Mr. Scram:
--- Quote from: Lindley on October 11, 2020, 07:17:21 pm ---Hi,
There are thousands of web pages on this subject but be interesting to know what our hopefully more informed EEVbblog members use on their Windows PCs for protection ?
Windows Defender and Firewall, Other Free AVs and Firewalls, or complete security suites from the usual players like Bit Defender, Eset, Kaspersky, Norton etc.
--- End quote ---
Microsoft Defender is all you need nowadays. It's top of the list in essentially any test. This is the one area where "the cloud" and having millions of clients in the field keeping Microsoft posted on any and all new developments is a boon. Bonuses are not increasing your attack surface and the lack of additional costs.
Thread devolving into another OS row in 3...
Despite my hatred for Windows 10, Windows overall is actually pretty secure for the most part. Defender does a pretty good job for most consumers. The vast majority of issues occur when users install or click on the wrong thing and insist on ignoring the warnings.
Defender works well enough.
I had to return Bit Defender due to false positives. I've also had a few colleagues with the same issue. Damn shame they used to be top notch.
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