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Discussion of possible constitution for new TEA threads

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--- Quote from: EEVblog on September 06, 2022, 09:03:43 am ---
--- Quote from: tautech on September 06, 2022, 08:33:41 am ---
--- Quote from: EEVblog on September 03, 2022, 10:41:24 am ---
--- Quote from: m k on September 03, 2022, 10:28:18 am ---I wasn't clear enough.
Can it be done at the forum level?
I think I've not seen any Supporters Lounge activity anywhere.
Maybe new member could have a predefined set of excluded parts where for example TEA is ticked out.

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Boards can be excluded from membership levels, but not threads AFAIK. That's how the Supporters section works.

I think reporting can also be limited to membership levels, but it's newbies that have been doing the reporting. Even some of the people who have left are amoung the ones who have reported things.

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Under 5 posts newbies ?  :-//

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Oops, sorry, meant to say NOT newbies.
And as I said, I do believe some of the reporters were high standing TEA members.

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I really can't help thinking that some of the reports may have been accidental, am I right in thinking that all it takes to flag something to a moderator is to click on the link in the bottom right of a post and the system sends a copy of the post along with details of who clicked on the link, and thats it, nothing further?


--- Quote from: tggzzz on September 06, 2022, 08:50:20 am ---I suspect (no more) that any issue might be to do with other participants welcoming people back.
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The current participants get no say in who comes back and posts in the thread. Just like those who left and felt like it was their "home" or some such had no say who started to post in there.
Heck, the departed participants could have even had their own appointed moderator to handle such things, but they don't want to take me up on the offer. Oh well.

--- Quote ---Personally I concur with your attitude "If they don't want to come back, they don't want to come back. It's done."
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It's not really an attitude, it's just an aparent fact. Like I have said countless times, everyone and anyone is welcome back any time if they so choose.


--- Quote from: Specmaster on September 06, 2022, 09:54:35 am ---I really can't help thinking that some of the reports may have been accidental, am I right in thinking that all it takes to flag something to a moderator is to click on the link in the bottom right of a post and the system sends a copy of the post along with details of who clicked on the link, and thats it, nothing further?
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There is a box to fill in details. Usually we get a message of some sort along with it, sometimes a complete tome.


--- Quote from: Specmaster on September 06, 2022, 09:54:35 am ---I really can't help thinking that some of the reports may have been accidental, am I right in thinking that all it takes to flag something to a moderator is to click on the link in the bottom right of a post and the system sends a copy of the post along with details of who clicked on the link, and thats it, nothing further?

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Along with the box to fill in some comments on why the report, you have to click a button again to send it in, so don't see it being accidental.

And I know this because I have made reports sometimes, but not on the TEA thread.


--- Quote from: pcprogrammer on September 01, 2022, 12:20:31 pm ---Might be premature, but just to open a discussion on what should be included if the move is made from the Test Equipment section to here.

A benefit I see from a move to this separate section is that there can also be multiple threads to discuss problems in the main thread and with that keep the main thread free of to much disturbance. This also is less intrusive on the forum in its whole.

As an example the mentioning of the latest talk about "OrCAD" being off topic, could then be handled with a "take it outside" pup analogy.

What I mean with this is, that when a contributor, visitor or moderator of the main thread feels something should go in a separate thread or that something is so far off topic or in violation with the general rules that they create a separate thread to discuss this, and put a single post in the main thread to invite the parties concerned to join in this new thread. The bouncers way of take it outside please.

A moderator can do the same when alerted by someone that there is a problem. Only as a last resort the moderator can start removing posts that do not belong. They do have final say. This is important to allow it to work.

The same also applies to the separate discussion threads of course, because they too should not get out of hand.

First and foremost it should be the members of the "community" that uphold the rules and keep themselves in check. So don't get angry when someone expresses to be upset by a posting or where the main thread is wondering of to.

It all of course stand and falls with the users will and ability to abide to this "constitution" and not resort to taunting the authorities.

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I really couldn't be arsed to read this whole thread, but since you mentioned my post about OrCAD I feel it's worth clarifying exactly what my position is, and why I made that specific point at that specific time.

As a relative newbie (2019) to TEA, but a daily reader/contributor, I found it easy to skip past the posts I wasn't interested in. Sometimes I found the stuff I wasn't interested in quite tedious, if it went on for more than a few posts, however, I never felt the urge to complain, either to Mods/Admin, or directly in the thread, since these things in my experience go in cycles, and at some point things would get interesting for me again, regardless.

I was dismayed at the (what I believed to be) heavy handed Moderation, and also at the (what I believed to be) over-reactions of some members. I was further disheartened to learn that there had been complaints to the Mod team by TEA regulars; I would rather have seen them voice their concerns publicly, and feel we could have self-moderated at that point.

As regards my comments about the OrCAD posts, this was after numerous members had been censored for posting things that were not really entirely off-topic, and that if such posts were not allowed, then neither should the OrCAD ones be, on the same basis. Without the context of the recent controversial Mod actions, I would have just scrolled past them as usual.

Moving forward, I see no reason why the standard "common sense" provisions shouldn't apply to the TEA thread if/when it is moved here. Since assumptions get one in trouble, I will state my opinion of what these should be: no politics, no religion, no weapons, no personal attacks.
I would also welcome the creation of a dedicated Mod team, which should include at least one long term TEA regular contributor, bitseeker himself (if he came back), and one of the EEVBlog regular Mods.


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