Well, this is confusing... I shall ask bitseeker to move the old TEA thread here, as a favour to the regular contributors that wish to continue using the EEVBlog forums.
Perhaps instead of pouring fuel on the embers of this issue you should just give it a rest.
You have in the last few days tried to claim this which is a LIE 'In point of fact all are unhappy at having had to leave, and your ill-informed attempts to ascribe such base and juvenile motivations are quite far from the mark.'
That MINORITY's inability to accept even some basic conformance to the rules of the Forum WHEN ASKED by Dave without extreme belligerence is and remains the issue. Anything else is complete

In spite of what you might falsely think the thread while started by One (Bitseeker) is the joint composition of ALL and the small number of butt hurt CHILDREN are not 'the thread' but just part of it like we ALL are.
Bitseeker has acted through this as he has seen best with a level of dignity and politeness and certainly doesn't need you adding to his job to move forward along his chosen path. The location is within the Forum not that important but as the original intent was a home to the suffers and aspirants of TEA as a disease and the Test Equipment section makes most sense (as it always has). Given the other few topics running currently there is unlikely to be 'special moderators' operating under 'special rules' but that is up to Dave ultimately.
But both of these things in a single forum as fraught with 'but burt look over here they can do X' and are a really bad idea.