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Soldering iron
Bob n:
many months ago i got the Jaycar CAT.NO: TS1465 25 Watt soldering iron, but after using it for many months i have found many faults with it.
1. its too low powered.
2. in the middle of soldering it will stop melting solder and won't do anything.
3. its not hot enough.
I have been looking into other soldering irons so i can get a new one that will faithfully serve me in whatever soldering task i need to do, these are the ones i am thinking about:
-Jaycar Duratech 48W Temperature Controlled Soldering Station CAT.NO: TS1620
-Altronics Micron Economy 40W Soldering Station
-Altronics Micron Combination 60W Soldering & 90W Vacuum Desoldering Station
-Altronics Micron Lead Free Soldering Station 80W
This one seems seems to be really good quality and convenient and is perfect size and seems great:
- FixHub Power Series Portable Soldering Station SKU: IF145-494-1
Which soldering iron out of these do you thing would work well and which soldering iron would you recommend?
You don't say what kind of things you're doing with it, but for general electronic work the Pine64 Pinecil is a good and inexpensive choice.
Bob n:
I would use the soldering iron for general use, like through hole, SMD,desoldering etc
--- Quote from: Bob n on September 17, 2024, 04:43:15 am ---I would use the soldering iron for general use, like through hole, SMD,desoldering etc
--- End quote ---
So general *electronic* work i.e. very light on the scale of what some people solder e.g. 200 Amp copper busbars.
The Pinecil is great for what you list.
Bob n:
Have you used the Pinecil before?
What are the pros and cons of it.I'm questioning the Pincel because if it costs just $26 my thinking is that it won't work well...
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