OK, so, I built this tester... got the AY-AT kit... upgarded the 6 resistors, the Vref, V regulator, and got a 16 Mhz crystal.
I downloaded the 1.30 Markus firmware... un-commented the ST7735 display, ran make (using Ubuntu), and then used an Arduino UNO as a the programmer, and installed the firmware with avrdude. It sorta works... but when I start it, after a little while it says it's not calibrated, and says I need to start it with the 3 leads connected. When I do that, it starts in the test mode... but doesn't make it past the first screen (shows the same message saying it needs to be calibrated). TBH, I have a feeling I didn;t configure the firmware correctly, I'm surprised it even works this much. I didn't see the correct way to tell it I'm running a 16Mhz crystal... also not sure if the rotary encoder is set up correctly...
Can anyone point me in the right direction on the correct way to build the firmware?.... I'm assuming I have a very common setup based on this thread.