well today it certainly has been a rollercoaster
so today i replaced all transistors and ICs so i replaced T1, T2, IC2,and T3, also replaced both caps of the crystal and the crystal, tried replacing both 10uf caps but the one under the screen the one i got was too tall so i had to put the original back in, the other one i did replace
so before attempting to turn it on again i made doubly and triple sure that there were no solder bridges on any transistor or IC
i also havent put back the TL431 (IC3) back in for the time being
so i put the battery in, press the encoder, screen is white, then it disappears, and wow, it appears to be alive, , however its function seemed to be a bit erratic, like it would keep cycling asking me to calibrate and such, there was one time it booted me to the main menu and i could scroll up and down it no problem, so i put one of the S9012 i bought and it measured it alright (as much as an uncalibrated unit could)
but the unit wouldnt turn off on its own for whatever reason, even when left alone for a few seconds, also the battery voltage when it first turns on seems to be erratic too not to mention there seems to be a character missing on screen (when it first turns on?
so i searched for a YT video on how to calibrate this thing, and i knew before hand that booting it up with zif socked 1-2-3 shorted it would start on self test mode and calibrate itself, well so did they guy on the yt video, so i did just that, one small cat5e wire going from pin 1 to pin 2 and from pin 2 to pin 3 and tried turning it on buuuuuuut....
now am back at a solid white screen again, on he atmega vcc pin i read 5.0 something volts so i dont think is that ?!
i dunno, if trying to calibrated it without the TL431 IC3 in place was an error or not
so what could have happened ? i cant hear the faint fizzing noise i could hear before so idk what is wrong with it
i will attach some photos of when it worked (it wasnt very long)