In the testing of the a CM/DM Noise Separator I designed, I needed to test a frequencies lower than the HP34677A S-parameter Test Set. The S-parameter is designed to work down 100kHz.
I found that HP also produced the 35676A Reflection Transmission Test Set. The R/T Test Set will work down to 5Hz.
You can buy the R/T Test Set on the usual places for about $300-500.
Note: The 'B' Version is not an improvement on the A version, the A is 50

and the B is 75

Information SearchI found a nice summary of the 35676A:
http://www.hparchive.com/Manuals/HP-35676-SCHEMATIC.pdfI will attach a copy of the document to the end of this message.
I looks to be a pretty simple circuit, just 7 resistors and four connectors. Most of the challenges are in mechanical construction.
SchematicI entered the schematic into KICAD. The test points are connected to the chassis mounted connectors.
PCB Design 
The coplanar Wave Guides are 50

Complete Project
Here is a picture showing the circuit board mounted inside a Hammond 1550P Diecast box.
Mechanical Design
The mechanical design was done using Fusion 360. I started with a simplified drawing of the HP3577A front panel:

I downloaded the STEP file for the Hammond 1550P box and added the holes for the connectors and the PCB:

Here is a picture showing the assembly:

and the project installed on the HP3577A:
TestingAfter installation I did the one port full calibration with Open, Short and Load.
At high frequencies the results agreed with my S-parameter Test Set. At lower frequencies the R/T Test Set produced the expected results.
I have attached the pdf file.
kicad schematic.JPG (29.48 kB. 687x379 - viewed 1108 times.)