Hi turbochris, glad you was able to fix your unit that easily

Now that upgrading the firmware is a piece of cake, you can consider also the m-firmware to play with.
As you might know there are 2 main developments/developers of the firmware:
k-firmware manteined by karl-heinz kubblerer (this is the firmware you loaded on your unit)
m-firmware manteined by Markus Reschke (madires here in the forum)
Both great firmwares and great guys!!!
For the k-firmware, there are available the precompiled files for most of the hardware out there and the official folder is here:
https://www.mikrocontroller.net/svnbrowser/transistortester/Software/trunk/The fish8840 is present, but for the 16MHz you need to compile it changing the parameter in the Makefile (or someone will provide it to you...)
The m-firmware need to be compiled from source, but for the most common hardwares you can find the compiled files in the forum.
The m-firmware official folder is here:
https://www.mikrocontroller.net/svnbrowser/transistortester/Software/Markus/The current version is the 1.29m
Thank you for your interest in my YouTube channel!!! I'm doing my best to be more active

I've watched some of your videos, are you a drag racer?
