If you get an AY-AT Clone, the following is a list of hardware corrections to order if you would like to optimize it's operation on M-Firmware. If you normally order parts from Mouser or Digikey all information and links are provided. (No Supplier Affiliation/No Financial Affiliate Program Links) This is simply a resource to make the information easier for the next person to find.
AY-AT Clone - The Proper Mods
1.) 0.1% Probing Resistors
2.) 20mhz Crystal
3.) Correct LDO Vreg
4.) Correct Vref
Manufacturers Part Number=MPN
Mouser Part Number=MoPN
Digikey Part Number=DkPN
(3×)470k Resistors
TE Connectivity
Metal Film Resistors - Through Hole H8 470K 0.1% 100PPM
MoPN: 279-H8470KBZA
$0.97each (8/2017)
$2.91 (×3)
DkPN: PTF475KCCT-ND (not stocked)
Dk Alt:
475k 0.1% 1/8W
Vishay Dale
$1.64each (8/2017)
(3×)680ohm Resistors
TE Connectivity
Metal Film Resistors - Through Hole H8 680R 0.1% 15PPM
MoPN: 279-H8680RBYA
$1.14each (8/2017)
$3.42 (×3)
DkPN: H8680RBYA-ND(not stocked)
Dk Alt:
681ohm 0.1% 1/4W
Note: listed as discontinued by digikey (w/available stock 8/2017)
TT Electronics/Welwyn
DkPN: 985-1036-1-ND
$1.70each (8/2017)
2.5 Volt 0.1% Precision Reference
Texas Instruments
Voltage References Prec MicroPwr Shunt Vtg Ref
MoPN: 926-LM4040AIZ25NOPB
$1.72 (8/2017)
$1.73 (8/2017)
5v LDO Voltage Regulator
MPN: MCP1702-5002E/TO
LDO Voltage Regulators LDO w/ Low Quiescent
MoPN: 579-MCP1702-5002E/TO
$0.52each (8/2017)
DkPN: MCP1702-5002E/TO-ND
$0.49each (8/2017)
Mouser: $10.88 (8/2017)
(+USA Econ Shipping@$4.99)
Digikey: $14.56 (8/2017)
(+ Shipping I'm too lazy to look this up)
First of all, thanks for putting this list together, really awesome
I'm a cheapskate (I think that spending ~$14+shipping to improve a ~$10 tester kinda defeats the purpose

So I tried looking for cheaper alternatives to the components you suggest ordering via Digikey, which has much cheaper shipping for small orders (usually $3.39 USPS first class in the USA)
I plan to get the 16MHz crystal and Atmega via eBay ($1.8 for the Atmega and $0.79 for the 10 crystals... I decided to go with 16MHz, btw, since I won't need the higher frequency and I know aht 16MHz is rock solid even for marginal parts). But getting those thru Digikey would make no real difference
I then looked for resistors similar in value to the default ones, but cheaper than the ~$1.7 each for the ideal match. I have read many times that matching the resistors is more important than the absolute value, so I was thinking about
750 Ohm instead of 680 Ohm (quite a lot, 10% difference, but all 3 resistors would be closely matched)
https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/yageo/MFP-25BRD52-750R/750ADCT-ND/2059145499k Ohm instead of 470k (this one is close enough, methinks),
https://www.digikey.com/products/en?keywords=A105891CT-NDPlus the LDO and reference voltage:
https://www.digikey.com/products/en?keywords=LM4040AIZ-2.5%2FNOPB-NDhttps://www.digikey.com/products/en?keywords=MCP1702-5002E%2FTO-NDThat would bring the total to $5.84 + $3.39 shipping and another ~$2 for the Atmega and crystal(s)
Would it impact the measurements if I used 750 Ohm 0.1% resistors instead of 680 Ohm, and 499K Ohm 0.1% instead of 470k Ohm? Those cost significantly less than the closer matching ones