I'm still wondering where I can order this oscilloscope and where I can find some kind of datasheet.
You can order on the link below.
Time base range in 1-2-5 sequence 25ps to 100µs
Time base accuracy 0.5%FS +/-10 ps
Vertical resolution 12 Bit
Vertical divisions in 1-2-5 sequence 10 to 1000 mV
Maximum input voltage Sampler 2 Vpp
Enclosure size 102 x 56 x 123 mm
http://www.fastsampling.com/The website and documentation is not the strongest point of Darwin but by own experience he is a very professional engineer and answer all emails with a minimum of delay.
My own experience is that it work well but you have to learn how to use it, it is not like another sampling scope but with some experience it become easy to use and it is low cost and take very little place.
It is extremely important in the Ghz en ps to use only 1st quality cable, connectors, DC blocker, attenuators, splitter with a minimum of 18Ghz bandwidth.
I reach a point now where I make my cables myself because the Suhner Sucoflex or similar are extremely expensive.
I should write a kind of new user manual but since I'm the only user here ....
The only alternative is an old Tek monster that cost a few K$ on the second hand market with spare parts getting difficult to find ....