Author Topic: 20" CRO LanScope  (Read 2066 times)

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Offline BartManInNZTopic starter

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20" CRO LanScope
« on: March 11, 2013, 10:34:15 pm »
Made in England in the 1970's, this 4 channel LANSCOPE oscilloscope is a recent acquisition for testing and prototyping projects.

Coming up next will be some photos with the cover off - exceptionally tidy condition, like it was kept in a clean-room or laboratory!

If anyone can provide further information, schematics, history etc that would be much appreciated.
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Offline amyk

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Re: 20" CRO LanScope
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2013, 07:49:27 am »
That is one huge screen for a scope... :o

With one that big you should try showing a video signal on it, or the YouScope demo.

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