Products > Test Equipment
A High-Performance Open Source Oscilloscope: development log & future ideas
It would be really neat to play with neural network triggers but again, I think you need to do it in real time, which implies it's done on the FPGA, unless the edge TPU can accept 8Gbit/s+ ADC data.
But the idea of giving a scope an arbitrary waveform and telling it, "OK, infer a good trigger from this mess" is quite neat. I suspect it would require a dense NN but it could be done, it's essentially the same problem as processing vision data to detect patterns but applied only in 1D space. Doing it across multiple channels is a little more complex.
AFAIK Lecroy does some of the more advanced triggers in software (=not realtime) so the idea of feeding data into an edge TPU for triggering is not out of the question.
You could probably pre-qualify the data with an edge trigger and only send frames of edge triggered data to the TPU, which need to be realigned to create a real trigger. It would reduce the data rate to be something similar to what the Pi does in the current design.
This is the kind of neat research-like project that could come about from an open source oscilloscope project, it's just a shame that time is short.
I’ll start my own thread for this, but I would like to also reply here since it’s on topic. I’ve been working on an open source scope for a while now as well and it’s at about the same stage as this project, just with more mature hardware (spent months on the front end alone) and less mature software. I’m still actively developing it and was wondering if anyone would be interested in working together to make both of these projects happen?
Both target 1000-series specs (we use the same ADC too), just mine is a PC connected scope and this is a benchtop scope. There’s been mention of using PCIe to a jetson board instead of CSI to a RasPi, my hardware uses PCIe to the user’s PC, so it would be easy enough to swap the PC out with the jetson (which has the four lanes of PCIe needed) to make my hardware into a suitable benchtop unit. That, combined with the more stable software from this project, could make both a PC and benchtop version a reality!
Here’s all the documentation for my project:
Let me know what you all think!
Oh... One more "let's make better open source mousetrap" project :palm:
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