Products > Test Equipment

AD9854 100 MHz function generator from eBay

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Ran across this listing

Does this look like a good buy or is it a hundred bucks down the drain?  I'm a ham and looking for a basic two channel generator 1-30 MHz or so

first its old serial. 2nd the software is chinese.

The AD9854 itself is around $30 from Digikey, and is capable of being clocked at 300MSPS. 100MHz is probably about right. Considering the work that goes into the design and manufacture, $100 is probably worth a shot.

I can't comment on the schematic, because its not letting me download it.

Why not combine one of those $5 modules with a $10 arduino nano and make your own usb version?


--- Quote from: Zad on November 13, 2012, 05:45:22 am ---I can't comment on the schematic, because its not letting me download it.

--- End quote ---

I managed to pull down the schematic -

Looks like it's the DDS chip with output filters and an Atmel controller and not much else

the RS232 port doesn't bother me. It can be easily fixed with a usb converter module.  There is a source code for the atmel included, with comments in Chinese :(


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