If your adapter is supported by the Linux GPIB package, you could use the "ibterm" command to send a plot command to your GPIB device and capture the HPGL output. ibterm is included in the package. A small amount of massaging on the output will be needed, such as removing ibterm's prompts, which could be handled by a simple bash script.
The output could then be moved to your PC and viewed with the KE5FX 7470 plotter emulator which can be used off-line. Off-line operations (meaning no GPIB access) work fine under wine.
Alternatively, you can use hp2xx to convert the HPGL output to PNG, JPG, or a number of other formats, and view that resulting file. That's a pure Linux solution, but KE5FX 7470 handles more of the HPGL command set, which might be needed for your device, and in some cases looks better.