I did some further research (this time with Juntek PSG9080):
DC 2.10% display is okay at 10ms.
DC 2.00% display is not stable triggered at 10ms.
DC 1.99% a slight running black peak in the screen at 10ms
DC 1.98% the flip-flopping occurs at 10ms
From 5ms and lower, no flip-flopping.
See the photo for the 1% peaks.
From 5ms and lower, you can count the peaks easily. At 10ms, it is unworkable.
Maybe that's not such a bad thing.
The Zeeweii tells you this way that the resolution is not enough to display the signal reasonably.
Whatever it shows (all yellow, all transparent, what do you expect it to show?) it's wrong anyway ;-)
Just the screen alone: How many 1% peaks can you adequately display with 360 pixels?
My 2 ¢