@all, thanks for your replies!
oddly enough, it has disappeared when I just now turned it on to see how to turn it off. so the mistory remains for now, but all thoughts sound as valid options so.
that beside me knowing that it wasn't a lin FFT, I looked at that before and know I left it in off mode.
@Blackhost, _RUS73_ and BillyO
yeah that is it indeed

, allthough It disappeared, this got it "back", and removed it again.
So blackhost, these are the steps

, wishing you lot of fun with your new machine when it arrives.
@Fungus, yeah I did. only a signal from the generator for now but, yeah I did put an signal on ch1 (and 2)
Additional question:
Has anyone made a sort of reference list of the "not in manual, but still present functions for now?
seems like an interesting thing to me, so people don't figure things out by accident and then let the information evaporate into oblivion.
I am trying to make a list here for myself, but am very will to post it when done.
for now I have the following items: but please add if I missed something.
- Voice control (although this is discussable, as there is a manual with it in it)
- Shift + V/ch2 → persistend mode /phosphor emulation.
- enter FG via the "Gen" button, sine wave is limited to 5MHz, full-screen FG via the "Home" menu (short press the power button) the sine functions at 10MHz
- new frequency counter is good from 15Hz to 35MHz - well beyond specification.
I am also interested in this mod: but would I be assuming wrongly if I assume an BNC connector is also a viable option?
I fitted a SMA connector to the side of the back cover, for the sig.gen output.
Works much better then the 2 prongs on the top. Also made sure it does not interfere with anything on the inside.
The SMA connector is designed for at least 12GHz and 50 Ω impedance, so should be OK for this application.
Yes, it should have been a female connector, but I only had a male around.
@Jdev99, did I see correctly that you connect an coaxial directly to the soldertabs on the inside? nothing more then that?
besides ofcourse making sure all is neatly insulated?
https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005007075516670.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.35.71fe79d24tDpkM&gatewayAdapt=glo2nldI have ordered one of these, slightly larger so I can store my scope and the probes savely and nothing is lying around messy like it has been.
You could probably get a bigger one in there, maybe a 3200mAh 506090 and go for ten hours run time...?
Also ordered a 4000mAh 606090, should fit in there nicely, a lot more run time.
Kind greats