Products > Test Equipment

Bench LCR Options?

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--- Quote from: The Electrician on July 21, 2013, 03:56:25 pm ---I'm surprised by that.  Please tell us more, with details; perhaps in a new thread.

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I think I might, currently rearranging my lab, then I'll get back to it!

Whilst VNAs are wonderful pieces of equipment, and I do love my HP8753C, they are not very accurate at measuring impedances that are a long way from 50 ohms.

If you want to measure LCR, then an LCR meter is far more useful.


--- Quote from: KJDS on July 22, 2013, 11:16:09 am ---If you want to measure LCR, then an LCR meter is far more useful.

--- End quote ---

I am really happy with it, pissed off that I waited as long as I did to order one.

This has me really pondering about my next purchase.  I had planned to by one of the new MSO4000s from Rigol, but their support guys have been irritating me.  I'm going to give Hameg a more serious look before I go any further.


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