Hello all,
I need to measure the frequency emitted by the flowmeter. The flowmeter transmits data 0 to 12kHz with an amplitude of 17 DC Volt.
I have been looking into some digital multi-meter reviews. Most do not have a review regarding on frequency reading. If some frequency reading is included in the review, all use sinusoidal waveform of AC power source.
I do not want to use an oscilloscope, which will be more expensive. For safety reason, I wanted to carry less stuff climbing to 10 meter or above. and most instrument are using 4-20 DCmA, so it will be troublesome to carry lots of things while climbing up.
I've been looking at some low budget multi-meter brand available in my country, such as ANENG and ZOYI. Brymen is not available, UNI-T is available but most are expensive. Fluke is not my best choice. I am currently looking at ZOYI-102L but have no idea will the frequency work for 17 DCV.
I am newbie to electrical frequency, please provide me with basic explanation.
Many thanks to all