I used a DCA75 (PEAK) to test MOSFET, and I'm sorry, it was short circuit so was easy to find with multimeter. I replaced all 3 components mentioned (DCA75 correctly identified new MOSFET and D54).
It is difficult to take measurements due to my fear of further damage. However, I found that using a VARIAC at 120v (rather than the usual 240v here in the UK) the crack was not as disconcerting. Putting in an incandscent bulb current limiter stopped the noise and allowed some measurements to be taken but I'm not sure how relevent they are. The rectifier produced an appropriate 100Hz fully rectified unsmoothed trace at appropriate voltage. There was a 15-20v 'ramped' voltage going to Vcc of IC8 and the output to the MOSFET gate (pin20) did show some control pulses but not clean? I was surprised to see that the Vref produced square waves with about a 10% duty cycle. Having checked many other things I suspected that IC8 may be faulty so I found a replacement but it made no difference. I put a socket in for this chip and later for the 2 logic chips (replaced with known good ones even if originals were ok - yet to test). The 7815 only put out 1v with the current limiter in circuit but about 15v when 'cracking' was allowed (although it was a very rough output). I replaced the 7815 anyway.
I have checked all resistors, some capacitors, and the diodes. I have removed and tested Q4, Q7, Q2, Q3, Q22, Q23, Q6, Q10, L3, L9, L10, TX1, D67, SC1 all of which are fine.
Really pulling my hair out now!