Products > Test Equipment

can i use Agilent U1733C as a in circuit tester


i'm going to buy LCR+ESR meter.

i have few question regrading this meter please help me

Is this meter use as in circuit measurement like in circuit capacitor and ESR measure (without desoldering from board)???

i also have interest in mastech MS5308. but i have same question is this meter measure in circuit measurement ???

AFIK in circuit test means the excitation voltage is low enough to not turn on any semiconductors, the 1733C is worst case .79V rms which would be 1.117V peak. I don't think this qualifies as in circuit test voltage level.  Even if it did you have to make sure other components are not going to effect the reading like another cap in parallel with the one you are testing.  There is no magic in circuit tester that can automatically give a valid reading no mater what.


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