You always revolve around the same, different things.
There is a kind of “general quality / excellence”. This is not always easy to define, but it exists in every area of life.
I am Swiss, a cheese matured for 14 months is considered “superior” to a young cheese.
Does that also mean that it necessarily tastes better to me?
Of course not, but it is still the more valuable cheese.
And that's always the point here.
I also think that the Siglent is technically superior to the Rigol and my Hantek anyway. You can hardly doubt that.
Nevertheless, there are always individual points that can be decisive for a person.
If you want HDMI, you buy the Rigol.
If you can't stand long boot times and fan noise, you might even stick with the Hantek, etc.
That doesn't change the fact that the Siglent is generally the better scope, but perhaps not for your purpose.
IMO HDMI instrument connectivity is overrated.

If you
must port the display to a big screen for
any need, a good and powerful webserver is the better solution.
I have SDS6204A and SNA5004A both with HDMI and never used it other to check if it works....big deal

For 20+ yrs I've had a PC at the bench for PCB CAD, device datasheets and general electronics research, therefore what's another browser tab or 3 adding to the 20+ that are already open.

With the webserver I have full mouse
and keyboard control without needing to touch the instrument along with capture of any files I might need to capture directly to the PC.
For EDU and presentation use the webserver wins again as EDU PC's or laptops can port to a large display via a projector or HDMI connection and provide full instrument control with a mouse.
At the 3 day EMEX exhibition in Auckland a few months back we used a 40" display in conjunction with a mini PC, smaller than a box of chocs and had all instruments connected to it via a private LAN using an old 4 port router and another switch or 2.
We could show each instruments connectivity in browser tabs with just a mouse click, 5x scopes and a few analyzers but sadly we at that time didn't have the recently released PSU's or Arbs with webservers.
No pissing about with $ $ HDMI cabling when a cheap LAN cable offers a much more powerful display porting solution.