If you put all 4 channels on and decoding and other stuff, and apply some more complex signals that overlap more randomly, you get a rainbow where you don't know what is part of what.
I am wondering why you are always exaggerating things. An option for this would already help, when there are only 2 traces! No need to exaggerate here. And if you cant understand its usefulness, does not mean its useless.
Funny for you to say that.
You are the one always exaggerating everything.
I used as an example one of your screen shots, where you say you can't see it right.
With traces transparent, in that same situation you would
see something
but understand even less..
And I understand what it does. And I said that I don't mind it as long as you can set it to show like all other scopes.
Fact that nobody does it that way is either everybody in industry making scopes is stupid, or maybe it is mature industry where after years and years of experimenting, one way to display traces was settled down as optimal.
But if you like it so much, maybe switch back to Rigol DHO if they are only ones providing that, to you critical, function.
Go at it buddy.
Make note that two people that thanked you are one strong Rigol advocate and a guy that created alternative FW because Rigol GUI is apparently hated even by people that own it, and users have to fix dozens of (real) bugs that are still there after more than 2 years platform was released.
And yes he is selling that FW.. Which by itself is OK by me. He should be paid for his work. But obviously there is a conflict of interest, when taking advice and sides..