Would you mind giving us a run through/summary of the Calibration modes ?
Hi tautech,
No problem.
These tweezers support three calibration modes for users,
Open Calibration, and
Short Calibrationwhen selecting the open calibration, we have to keep the two tips leave each other
and selecting the short calibration, keep the two tips short together during calibration process.
there is no restrict requirements for self-Calibration, but we always keep the two tops open, less than pico-farad is not an easy work
And the calibration process is recommended that, do Self-Calibration first, and then Open cal, and Short Cal is the lastest step
And there is a Factory Mode as well, this mode is used to clear the user's calibration information, which is used for a backup for abnormal situations.
If I didn’t make it clear, please feel free to let me know