thanks j, another project
looks very home build able even on a simple drill press so long you have reamers
lots of filing and grinding for the base pieces though if you don't have a lathe.
Hi Coppercone2 and the group,
I am going to share some pictures that show the construction of my biconical antenna. I am not going to provide dimensions for the parts, they can be found in the document attached to this message:
Overview of the completed antennaThis picture shows the complete antenna assembled and ready for use.
Center StructureThis is the center rod assembly. Two of these are required.
Cone 1This is the inner cone. It has a section of threaded rod, to screw into the center assembly. The cone is held on the rod with a 10-32 set screw.
Cone 2This is the outer cone. It is also held in place with a set screw.
Antenna ElementsThe construction of these differs from MIL-STD-461A, in that they were bent from one piece of rod. The MIL-STD uses to straight rods and coupler. I cut these to length after bending.
Center ConnectorThe housing for the center connector is waterproof electrical conduit. I made aluminum inserts that the two antennas screw into.
Center Insulator openThis picture shows how the thin coaxial cable is attached.
N connectorThe N connector is also mounted in a plastic conduit fitting.
Balun - Not ShownThere is a balun consisting of ferrite beads threaded on the coax inside the support arm.
The aluminum is all 6061 purchased from the Metal Supermarket.
The plastic conduit fittings were purchased from the Home Depot (or similar store).
Part were machine on a 8x14 lathe and a mini-mill.