I've seen the reviews and the teardown of the DP100, P906 and Ruiden PSUs, if really need to choose a good PSU, would suggest P906, the reason is listed below:
1. DP100 is a step-down only power supply, the max output voltage is limited to the input DC voltage, so if on site your DC source supply for DP100 is somehow below what you want, you wouldn't get the voltage stage you want; since it's a pure SMPS, to some noise sensitive application, you need to consider the output noise from DP100;
2. Duiden is actually one of the power conversion 'panels' in the market, it's using a standard power brick inside, the panel utself is just a step-down SMPS, display and control, if you are looking for maximum wats per dollar, that will be the choice, and in the market, some other DIY type PSUs using retired Server Power Supplies, which are even cheaper, but same as the DP100, the switching noise cannot be ignored.
3. MDP-P906, this one is different from the above, it has a 4-switch buck-booster inside, so you are not limited to the input volage, the fan is prepared for the full power 300W, in normal use you won't really hear the fan noise; the other different part is the output stage of P906, it has a program controlled low drop linear regulator, comparing with the above two, the output is much cleaner, also the building quality is much better than the above, CNC anodized case/shell, leaser engraved markings; that's why it's much expensive than the DP100 and Ruiden, another downside for MDP PSU is it's PC controllbility, it currently doesn't provide a PC or phone app for the control of the PSU, which is nor as good as the other two.
You sound like you're literally trying to convince yourself.. alongside having very little insight into this specific item and you clearly haven't spent a moment just reading this thread, in regards to the product you are making conclusive comments on, with faulty conclusions left & right, even though you try to highlight the opposite in the first sentence.
Im not interested in a boost-based SMPS flooded in caps with a noisy fan, that is massively overpriced and literally do pop-goes-the-weasel to release the infamous magic smoke when tested.
= 10:18 https://youtu.be/6yhlmqRFz4Y?si=rlq9ezRIfZHgW16_&t=562
You can read the comments on the posted YT vid above' about all the users that got the same issues, but also other problems where they lose their accuracy and the voltage reading got a huge offset on numerous volts.
actually I have a set of this gear, a MDP-M01, the console; two P906s and an L1060.
I don't know if you paid for all these items, or if you'r one of those hundred or thousands of people that Miniware is sending all their items free of charge in exchange for influencing on social media, but all that greasing ain't cheap for a company of that size, and needs to be picked up by some, if so it's quite an investment you have made, so I hope it worked out for you.
Wouldnt be supprised that Punctual Atomic /AlienTek likely been inspired by Miniware's DP905 (buck) & their P906 (Buck/Boost) when making the DP100.
Have over the years followed along on Tommy's stacking approach with his MDP-line from 2018/19 with a mix-match of various plugs over the years and the UI on the XP interface-console-module, could use some TLC.
I purchased a few items from Miniware over the years. * Damaskus Scraber, * MHP30 (heating plate) * DS212 (2ch scope with a crude sig-gen) its a mixed bag, not least with the price in mind..
- Sure the DS212 its well-built, extremely thin in an alucasing and looks great but it's a pain to use and was never updated, even though A lot of promises.. It seems all focus are on making new models and don't look back - with all efforts into design and very little into the UI, and the actual use-case.
That's the case with many of Miniware products, its a Design studio and I reckon it shows, but if you are happy with all your MDP-items, then that is what matters, no reason that other items should make you less "so happy" about your own products.
Sofar I been quite impressed with these DP100 and the ablelity to smack a cheap powerbank into it, also like that it comes with a nice casing to store it and the ablelity to control remotely and you have the standard wideness between the two 4mm terminals, so you can use 4mm-to-BNC adapters.
haha, my bad that I didn't go through this thread thoroughly, I though it was purely discussing about this specific power supply unit, as mentioned in the thread, the voltage cut off when disable the supply, this issue seems presented on all of this kind of portable PSUs, including P906. The modifications discussed above to improve the output shutdown characteristics are indeed instructive.
for me, personally, I need a PSU can do 24V (this is my main working voltage platform) output with a normal PD adapter, and take as less space as possible. last year when I tried to choose a portable PSU, I did evaluate DP100 and other PSUs, but due to the limitation mention above, DP100 is hard to accept.
the performance comparision for this type of PSUs can be found here, it compared the Ruiden and MDP system, and the comments below that revealed the topology difference and why (Sorry it's in Chinese)
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1EY4y1W7C1/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=c47fe10e9121852849e685d12b947cbcthe link below is the teardown and analysis of DP100, for reference if someone need it:
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hZ4y1v768/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=c47fe10e9121852849e685d12b947cbcthen I kept looking, finnally found the MDP system can suit my need, then I bought the whole kit, even though it costed me around 3.5k RMB, but luckly it solved my problem.
I don't have hard feeling on Punctual Atom, as I used to buy a lot of MCU developing/evaluation boards from them, and they did help me a lot to understand how to do embedded coding. however things start to change a few years ago, Punctual Atom started to release a lot of dev tools which looks quite strange, like the USB-C soldering iron, iron station, logic analyser, USB meter... and the prototypes of these products can be easily found in the market, they seem to have lost their original intention, we understand that profitability is very important for a commercial company, but on Xianyu (a second-hand e-platform in China), Punctual Atom's product are on the top pages of these dev tools searching result, far more than the other competitors, seems so many people want to sell them due to some reasons... there are so many ads of Punctual Atom in the social media, they use very misleading slogans, so if you don’t look closely, you will think that their tools can do anything, such as this DP100....
Sorry for going off topic. you are right Miniware did promise a lot, and rarely to deliver. the reason why I replied this thread was the first post caught me and I feel interested, Lol.... not trying to influence anyones purchasing decisions.
It's a pleasure to discuss together, cheers