Hi Dave.
The survey link you posted in the Kickstarter comments section (Johnny B. Goode @
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/eevblog/eevblog-121gw-multimeter/rewards/6297526/survey) to change the shipping address indeed doesn't work for me; it drives me back to kickstarter home page.
EDIT: No taking the audience for dummies, this is only for the sake of completeness.I had to use the button «
Show my contribution» (translated from French: «
Afficher mon engagement»). That button stands to the right of «
You are a contributor» and is visible once logged in and you're viewing the multimeter project. Then select the
Survey tab. From there you can change your shipping address

Otherwise use the kickstarter menu under your login icon on the top right corner of the page, click the EEVBlog multimeter and from there «
Show my contribution».
Thanks for the update. I'm still looking forward to the postman knocking at my door ;-) .
