Hi Dave, you did this video a while back with voltage. I’ve been

trying to figure this out, and I think I finally figured out why my resistance testing is gettting such large differences in readings.
I haven’t had time to check the voltage and temperature change but it also didn’t jump out at me during basic testing so I’m assuming it’s probably ok.
What I have noticed is the resistor mensrment range being severely affected by the internal meter temperature. I’m going off what the internal temperature is showing on the meter.
Can you run this again in the resistance mode? Specifically the 50M resistance mode maybe with a 10M resistors? Although I’ve noticed the temperature affecting all resistance modes, the 50M ohm range seems to be the worse and most sensitive. The ambient temperature in the lab did not change more then 1C but the internal temp on the meter with backlight on went from 21.1C to 26.1C.
My Caddock 10M resistor at 0.1% tolerance is a 15ppm temp coefficient but as I mentioned the lab room temperature hardly changed at all. At internal meter reading temp it showed 10.005. By the time the meter internal temp reached 26.1C the resistor was reading 10.158. And the day my air con was off the lab was at 24.4C and the internal temp on the meter reached 28.9C and the reading was much higher at 10.356.
Despite the 10M resistor being 15ppm I also testing with Vishay that are 2ppm at 0.025% tolerances and those are affected also with all ranges I own 1, 10, 1K, 10k, 100k ohm resistors.
I will also note the 50M range seems to be the most sensitive jumping around a lot just going to push a button on the meter or waiving your hand around it.
I just want to know if this is mine only, or if you can repeate the test with the resistance mode and see if this is a common thing? And maybe the sensitivity can be adjusted in the firmware, it reminds me of your 2016 mV range video showing it being so sensitive that I believe was corrected with firmware or maybe a hardware change? If it not just mine maybe theirs a specific component this resistance mode uses that can be changed to something that has better temperature coefficiency?
The sweet spot for internal meter internal temperature seemed to be about 21.1C for all ranges.