Author Topic: Elgar SW5550A CSV File Help  (Read 1479 times)

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Elgar SW5550A CSV File Help
« on: June 26, 2014, 07:28:34 pm »

I have an old Elgar SW5550A (P/N SW5550A-1-3-2) and I have been programming my own waveforms.  I have been using Excel and exporting to a .CSV (comma separated value).

The Elgar requires 4,096 data points (cells).  The range of each data point represent the value of the waveform you're making.  The values of 1 to 2048 represent the negative part of the waveform and the values 2049 to 4096 representing the positive part of the waveform.

My question is:  Does anyone know of a source to find nice waveforms that are already created in this fashion?  Also:  Can anyone tell me a good spline curve maker that can export the data to a CSV file?  I thought of using PhotoShop or Gimp and making a canvas of 4096 x 4096 pixels and then drawing my waveform.  I just don't know if it is possible to export drawn waveform to a file format such as CSV or something that will give me access to the actual numerical value of each point on my drawn waveform.

Can anyone help out with a source of waveforms for the SW5550A or a way to draw my waveforms and spit out the numerical value?

Thanks so much.

~ICG Engineer Technician
 William (Bill)

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