I've got one of these popular DDS signal gens, the FT3200 - mine's the full 24MHz unit. As a lot of people have discovered, the switching power supply inside it suffers a lot of mains leakage. I measured about 95Vac between its "ground" outputs and earth mains, and it seems capable of supplying nearly 1mA of current!
I've therefore decided to undertake a little project to upgrade the power supply, on a similar project to
I measured the current requirements of the lines - a little more directly than the above video (watch from around the 2m40 point onwards), but I get very similar results, namely:
+5V - current draw increases with output frequency, independent of output voltage or load. Maximum occurs at 24MHz, of 260mA.
+12V and -12V - current draw increases with output current, independent of frequency. Maximum occurs at 20Vpk into 50ohm, of 80mA on each.
I'm thinking rather than 3 linear supplies, what I'll do is make 2 linear supplies for the +/-12V lines (as they power the analog output frontend), but go with a simpler efficient switching design for the 5V rail. In particular, most of the logic chips on the board are 3.3V anyway. The 5V line into the actual board mostly just powers a bank of 3.3V regulators, and possibly the LED backlight of the display. I think that will be fine with some switching noise.
I expect I'll post a few photos and diagrams and the like on this thread. Wish me luck...